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A quoi sert la recherche fondamentale ?

par C.H. Llewellyn Smith,
ancien Directeur général du CERN


  1. Science Policy and Public Spending, J.A. Kay & C.H. Llewellyn Smith, Fiscal Studies, Vol. 6, No. 3, p. 14, 1985.
  2. The Economic Value of Basic Science, J.A. Kay & C.H. Llewellyn Smith, Oxford Magazine, February 1986.
  3. What's the Use of Physics?, C.H. Llewellyn Smith, Current Science, Vol. 6, No. 3, p.142, 1983.
  4. The Relationship Between Publicly Funded Basic Research and Economic Performance: A SPRU Review (prepared for H.M. Treasury), B. Martin et al, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex, April 1996.
  5. The Economic Laws of Scientific Research, T. Kealey, Macmillan Press, London, 1996.
  6. For responses to Kealey's views see K. Parit, New Scientist, p. 32, 2 August 1996, and P. David, Research Policy 26 (2), 229, 1997.
  7. G. Holton, H. Chang and E. Jarkowitz, American Scientists 84, 364, 1996.
  8. Quoted on p. 198 of "The Life of Sir J.J. Thomson", Lord Rayleigh, Cambridge University Press, 1942.
  9. H.G.B. Casimir, Contribution to Symposium on Technology and World Trade, US Department of Commerce, 16 November 1966.
  10. Academic Research and Industrial Innovation, E. Mansfield, Research Policy 20, 1, 1991.
  11. CERN Yellow Report CERN/75-6, H. Schmied et al. See also IEEE Trans. Eng. Mngt., EM-24, 125, 1977.
  12. Results of Attempts to Quantify the Secondary Economic Effects Generated by Big Research Centres, H. Schmied IEEE Trans. Eng. Mngt., EP-29, 4, 1982.
  13. CERN Yellow Report CERN/84-14, M. Bianchi-Streit et al (summarized in Czech J. Phys. B38, 23, 1988).
  14. P. Brendle et al, Les Effets Economiques Induits de l'ESA, ESA Contract Report, 1980.
  15. J. Shaeher et al, Study of the Economic Effects of European Space Expenditure, ESA Contract Report 1988.
  16. What Attracts Students Towards Physics? P.P. Kalmus, Phys. Bull. 36, 168, 1985, and 1995 PPARC Survey of New Physics Undergraduates.
  17. An Economic Case for Basic Research, E. Wong, Nature 381, 187, 1996.
  18. Why Should Companies - Large or Small - Work with the Universities? J. Baruch, Physics in Business 14, 4, 1997.
  19. Setting Research Priorities: Future Scenarios for the R&D Portfolio, Proceedings of a Conference held in Washington D.C., June 1995, sponsored by the US Department of Energy, Sandia National Labs and the Office of Science and Technology Policy, ed. J. Glicken, Energy Policy and Planning Department, Sandia Labs.

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